There are a wide range of technologies that can help blind and visually impaired people in education and the workplace – some are mainstream technologies
and others are specially developed for blind and partially sighted individuals.
Although we don’t have any links with the suppliers below, and have no responsibility for or association with their products, we are providing their details
for information purposes so you can see what options are out there for you or your employee.
Depending on individual circumstances, there’s a huge variety of products and services that you might find useful, including handheld magnifiers, distance
magnifiers, Braille keyboards, scanning and reading solutions, and text to speech applications. No matter how moderate or severe your visual impairment,
there is a technology solution that can help you succeed at school or work.
We’re always happy to talk to you about your needs, and identify which types of products or solutions may help you in education or the workplace.
Sight & Sound Technology
Enhanced vision
Professional Vision Services (PVS)
AI Squared
Dolphin UK