Google Accessibility Discovery Centre blog

Blind in Business had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Google Accessibility Discovery Centre in their St. Pancras office. In this space, various individuals such as engineers, researchers and product designers have developed a number of different accessible technologies that aim to break down the barriers that those with a  continue reading this post

Financial Times Insight Day Blog

On Wednesday 12th April, we took a number of our candidates along to the offices of the Financial Times in London for an insight day. The day featured a number of activities, as well as talks from some of the FT staff. Overall, the event was a huge success! The  continue reading this post

Success Stories with Ed Hossell 

‘Now it doesn’t matter what my A levels were , the fact I didn’t finish Uni, all of it now is about experience in the job and evidencing certain behaviours, which is brilliant.’     Introduction to Ed  Ed Hossell is a 29 year old, who works for the department of transport,  continue reading this post

ITV Insights Day

The media industry has historically been difficult to break into, and has faced issues with representation of various communities. In recent times there has been a push for the industry to diversify, so it is more representative of the public. Earlier this month, we saw ITV’s commitment to this as  continue reading this post