Give Vision Focus Group

Give Vision would like to run a short focus group talking about their product and also testing it. If you want to be involved simply turn up on Tues 7 April at 2.30pm at Blind in Business. The product is based around Google Glass and how such technology can be used by  continue reading this post

Expectations Exceeded workshop

Blind in Business are running the popular Expectations Exceeded event at the BIB office. Everybody is welcome, you might be a parent, a student, an employer, anybody can take part in this free event. This event will be run on Tuesday 23rd June 2015 from 5.30pm. We will be joined by successful  continue reading this post

Top tips for students looking to secure a job

Natasha Glaves, former HR Manager at Barclays, shares her top tips for Students looking to secure a job: Timing is key – whether you are going for a graduate role or a summer internship, the best time of year to start the application process is September. Many roles are gone by  continue reading this post