Our Funders

The Following list relates to funders, who awarded grants from April 2023 to March 2024.

Naturally, many Trusts and Foundations and Corporates make donations to us from April 1 2024 to date.  We are particularly grateful for the continued support from funders such as The Powell Family Foundation, City Bridge Foundation and Children in Need and the Band Trust, EdenTree.

The Rank Foundation kindly provide our office space in their Co-Working office in Old Street.

Our funders, from our recent Annual Report and Accounts are as follows:

Some funders remain anonymous and at their request have been removed from this list.

The Livery Companies of the City of London have been generous in their donations. They are the Worshipful Companies of: Insurers, Coopers, Clothworkers, Lightmongers, Cordwainers, Brewers,

Baron Davenport Charity

Bentley Motors

Big Lottery Awards For All England

Big Lottery Awards For All wales

Big Lottery Community Fund

Cadent Gas

Charles S French Charitable Trust

Christopher Rowbotham Charitable Trust


Dorothy Hay-Bolton Charitable Trust

Dumbreck Charity

Eveson Charity

Gowling WLG

Koolesh Shah Family Foundation

Lillie C Johnson Charity

London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)


Marsh Christian Trust

Persula Foundation

Portal Trust

Sir James Roll Charitable Trust

Steel Charitable Trust

Ulverscroft foundation

Vision Foundation & Fight for Sight

Weinstock Fund

WO Street Charitable Foundation

Woodroffe Benton Foundation

WS Law

Zochonis Charitable Trust